Friday, February 10, 2012

Rich People Problems.

A while ago our pastor at church talked about how rich we are as a society and how that relates to our spiritual lives. That most of the things that we worry about are actually rich people problems that really have no true importance. When it comes down to what is truly important in life, it is good to have some perspective on what matters the most. Life family and friends and health and our relationship with Jesus. So, or course as a fallen human, I worry about and complain about all these stupid things quite often and thought I would share with you some of my "rich people problems!"

1- I worry that my tablet is too slow for me, so I need to get a mac book air instead.
2- My extension cord on my hair dryer is too short, so I hate that I can't look in the mirror when i'm blow drying my hair
3- I need to get a better IPHONE because the one I have is out dated and slow
4-I need to buy this 30 dollar scarf...more so because I want it really.
5-We have one vehicle...just one! Ugh.
6- I hate that I have to sort through boxes and boxes of clothes for my kids.

Ridiculous hey? All these things are more so extra blessings then worries!

Here's a video that relates a bit to what I am talking about...and it's hilarious!

1 comment:

  1. Love it, Ana. It's so true and sometimes we need reminders of just how ridiculous we are.
