Thursday, November 17, 2011

To Sleep or Not to Sleep?

Is that really the question?!?!?

First of all, my apologies for not writing in 4 months! Life has been busy!

Back to my thought.....

Peter and I like to sleep train our children. This is just a nice way of saying "We let our children cry out as long as they need to so that they pass out and fall asleep" I do very much support any parent who takes this route in the long journey that can be teaching your child how to sleep, but also support any other decisions and steps parents take. I for one, have no patience in rocking, holding or shu-shing (sp) my child to sleep, so this method my option. With Rocco, it took 2 nights and it was over. From then on, he has been a wonderful napper and night time sleeper. We barely go in his room. But my little 23 pound Enzo has been a completely different story. We have been "training" him since he was 3 months old...and he's almost 8 months!!! He goes for naps just fine and will sleep over and hour, and when we put him down for the night he does go to sleep right away. The problem is that he doesn't stay asleep. He will wake up 2-3 times in the night. Sometimes all i have to do is pop the soother back in his mouth, other times it can take over an hour for him to fall back asleep. These are the times where i lay in bed completely frustrated and I am at a loss for what to do. So we let him cry. I get mad at myself for not having more patience for him. So I pray...I pray hard during these moments, but sometimes my prayers go like this " Dear can move mountains, cure cancer, do all things, so make my child sleep!" Not the most humbling prayer, i know, but i think God sees my frustrations and then makes me laugh at myself for being a little crazy. I just have to remember that Enzo is different than Rocco and one day he'll figure it out. When I tell Peter that i'm once again at peace with everything he says to me "and you want another child because?????" Because despite the lack of sleep, children are awesome!