Friday, June 17, 2011

"I yuv you mama"

"I yuv you mama" Those are the words my beautiful son Rocco told me this morning. I went into his room bright and early at 7am to get him out of his crib, and when i picked him up, he wrapped his little arms around my neck, squeezed me tight and said those beautiful pure words. My heart couldn't even handle it. I had so much emotion I didn't even know what to do with it...and still don't. It is absolutely indescribable unless you have a child...then you know what I mean. To be able to have and love a child is the most amazing experience in the entire world.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

High School Reunion

This weekend was my 10 year high school reunion. It was fabulous. I was very nervous at first, b.c most of the people that were going to be there i hadn't talked to them since high school and i thought it was going to be awkward and just weird. It was at first, but overall the atmosphere was pure joy. Everyone was SO excited to see everyone. We were all giving each other hugs and for me anyways, there was no awkwardness after all. Even to those classmates I barely talked to in high school, it was easy to talk to them b.c really all everyone wanted to know was...."what have you been up to the last ten years?"...and the conversations just happened. My bible teacher had given us back our letters that we had written to ourselves back in grade 12 and, i do have to say i got a little emotional reading it. I also had a good laugh at myself for being so naive and not knowing what i wanted to do with my life, but i also asked myself questions like "Are you still a Christian?" "Did you end up going to University?" and just reading those things makes me think about all that i have done in the last 10 years and how time has gone by so fast. I do have to say that I wish i could have seen all my classmates. They'll never know it, but they were all missed. After it was all said and done, i look back on it all and am thankful for my teachers and for every person i went to high school with, even if they were not my friends. They have all influenced me in some way shape or form to help me become who i am today. So thank you call of 2001!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

No nap Ana

As most of you know, I love love love to sleep! I look forward every night to go to bed and if i ever get a chance to nap, I am basically giddy with excitement. Peter laughs at me every time i get so excited to go to bed and before Enzo was born, he would essentially put Rocco down for a nap and then put me "down" It was hilarious. Now with two kids, I don't really like to take naps. For one, it takes me a while to get to sleep, and by the time that sleepy feeling comes around, one of the boys needs some sort of attention. So now when I put Rocco for his nap, it's my one on one time with Enzo. I love this time. It's quiet, calm and peaceful and i get to enjoy my baby boy just like i was able to with Rocco. Then when Enzo falls asleep, i get to catch up on all my recorded television and have some "me" time. Then when Rocco wakes up, we both have the energy to get through the rest of day!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Weight Watchers

I've been on weight watchers now for about 5 weeks. So far, i've lost some weight and i hope to loose a lot more in the next couple of months. But being on this program has made me crazy. Food is constantly on my mind. What to eat, how much, when is my next meal, how many points do i have left, i'm still hungry. Those are a few of many food related thoughts i have all day long. I also have "exercise thoughts" What can I do to burn calories? am i going to be able to go for a run tonight? Do i even feel like going out in this weather? Sometimes i just feel like screaming. I hate how my body gains weight so fast, I hate how i have stretch marks from my pregnancies, I hate that i don't fit into any cute clothes for the summer. It is quite overwhelming for my to deal with all these thoughts. I consider myself a confident person, and so all this makes me feel un-balanced. I know we all have our insecurities, but being on weight watchers, has made them worse. I feel like everyone is watching my every move and if this doesn't work, that i will be a complete failure. It's a lot of pressure and therefore this process is not fun at all. I do enjoy being able to exercise, and so far running has proved to be a lot more fun than it once was. I understand that I need a plan in order to reach my goals but all I can say is that it sucks, and i'm still hungry.