Thursday, June 3, 2010


I am so excited that my grandma (My Dad's mom) is in Winnipeg! I haven't seen her in almost 3 years and I can't wait to be able to talk to her and fill her in on my life. But I am also so worried. I have to admit that my spanish is not where it should be. I know this is not an excuse, but i rarely speak it anymore. Peter and I want Rocco to speak spanish, but we are both at fault for not pushing it more with each other...and probably more my fault too b.c i'm the one that actually knows that language. I can speak, read, write it, but i'm so scared that i'll make a mistake that i would just rather speak in English. I need to just swallow my pride and just go for it...and I think that I will learn from that. I want to be able to tell my grandma things and actually express to her everything that I want to and just to be able to have a conversation with her and not just say "si" or "bien". I just really need to go for it and start practicing while i'm here with Peter....AHHH!

1 comment:

  1. no habla espanol... otherwise I'd help:)

    love you
