Monday, June 28, 2010

2 down 1 more to go.

I can't believe our 2 months of being in Edmonton is over. We are off bright and early to the farm tomorrow for our last month in Alberta. I have really enjoyed my time here. I know at the beginning I was ready to go back to Winnipeg, but I knew that I needed to stop myself from being negative and just enjoy what Edmonton, and the people in it, had to offer. Peter and I have felt totally overwhelmed with how generous people have been to us. Our dear friends Christian and Kim have been so awesome to let us stay with them for a month and to be honest, we really didn't know them too well, but now I can say that they are great friends and I will miss being in Edmonton to hang out with them. They were an amazing blessing to us.
I will also miss all the rest of my good friends here. I truly love all of them so much and I love how I got to spend so much time with them. I had made a list of all things I wanted to do here and I can say that i have done all of them! I am so ready to get to the next chapter of our adventure and I am excited to be on the farm and to just relax and hang out with even more people! Rocco has been amazing throughout all the transitions, which is definitely another huge blessing for Peter and I. long Edmonton! It was fun being back! See you again.

Friday, June 25, 2010

No Naps

My lovely son has not been wanting to nap AT ALL! He has been on an awesome routine since we've been in Edmonton, and now i feel like it's all shot to hell. He wakes up around 7 and usually i put him down 2 to 2 and a half hours later and then he wakes up around 11 and I put him down again around 1:30 then he wakes up at 3:30 -4 ish. Nothing even close to this has been happening. He gets tired and grumpy, so I put him down...but then it's like his crib gives him an abundance of energy. He doesn't cry at all which is nice, but it's almost even more irritating b.c he is EXTREMELY happy. He laughs, talks and jumps around till i decided to take him out. Once I do, he is so grumpy and whiny and not his cute self. I feel bad leaving him in there for so long, but i want him to keep his routine. Plus, now I have no naps so i'm extra tired. Peter thinks he just need one nap now....i don't agree but we'll see what happens. Ugh.

Monday, June 21, 2010


If you don't want to read something gross...then thanks for stopping by and come on back another time!

Now, I get so mad every time I get my period. I mean seriously upset that I have to deal with this pain in the ass issue. Here are some reasons why;

1- no sex
2- I have to spend what I think is a ridiculously amount of money of tampons
4-The fact that it lasts for too many days

Back in Bible times, us women were considered "un-clean" during our period and they were sent out into the wilderness until it was over. I think that we should do that now as well...but with a twist. I think that whenever us women get our period, we should have a retreat center where we can go and "be in the wilderness" for however long our period lasts. This place would be for women only with 24 hour on call masseurs, gourmet chefs to cook us meals, punching bags, therapists, free tampons and pads, and an open pharmacy. This place would kind of be like an all-inclusive resort with all the perks! I also think this would benefit our husbands so that they don't have to deal with our PMS for a week!

Anyways, I just got to thinking about all this stuff when I was waiting in line to pay not only for tampons but for more diapers for my son! I hate spending money on things that are just for collecting human waste. I should get a government grant for this stuff. They give money away to stupider things.....why not?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day.

I always have mixed emotions about this day. Many of you who know me would know why. But this year I was excited. It's Peter's first father's day and I am so excited for him. He is a changed man since Rocco came into our lives. He is more sensitive, loving and just more of everything good that is my Peter and when I see him with Rocco, my heart is bursting with pride and admiration. Rocco is so lucky to have him as a father and i am so lucky to have him as a husband. I am a HUGE advocate for empowering your husband in all ways so that he can be a good father. (It drives me bonkers when wives don't let their husbands do anything and then they complain that they as the mother do everything) Even though i was so nervous at first to leave Rocco with him, I needed to, so that he could feel that he is more than capable to take care of him on his own. I always want to make sure that Peter is confident as a father, and even though I am the main care giver to Rocco, I want Rocco to know we are one unit and that we are both responsible for him. Peter is an amazing father and I am so proud of him.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Every child is different.

Every child IS very different. I have not met one boy that is just like my son, and I love that. I love that there is no one else like him! This also means that he learns differently as well, and that includes things like sleeping, eating, walking, talking...all that fun stuff. So when other people like to tell me that my son "should" be doing this or that by now, or I should be doing this or that with him...It drives my crazy. I try really hard to respect how other people do things, so I would hope people would just do the same for me. Maybe as a parent I am now a little more sensitive to things like that, but i just want moms to be confident in what they choose to do with their child and have the support of those around them. But just because something works for your child does not mean it will work for mine.
This little rant just came from something I watched on tv and it just bugged me.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Too Early

Well, today started off to early. Rocco woke up a little before 6 am which is too cruel. Right now he sleeps in the same room as us, so he knows we are there and he whines and whines until someone ( which is always me) pays attention to him. Ugh. All I want to do right now is hop back into bed b.c i have just put him down, but i know that he won't be able to fall asleep if he know i'm in there....i just need to wait till he falls asleep and I can crawl back into my comfy, warm, ever so welcoming bed. If I could only reason with him, and make him understand that for mostly his benefit, he should not wake up so early and go right back to sleep so that he is a happy boy and not a crazy whiny baby that cries over everything. Which kind of sounds like what I feel like doing on mornings like these.

On a side least I get to watch a few minutes of world cup soccer! :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rain Rain go AWAY!

It has been raining all day for the last few days here in Edmonton. Sometimes it feels like it's been raining more than it's been sunny. I had all these plans to go out for walks with Rocco everyday and to go to the park, and basically to do things outdoors bc last summer i spent most of my time inside with a newborn! The days that ARE nice, I try and get outside with Rocco and it feels so good so get some fresh air, and some sun so I can get some sort of a tan!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I am so excited that my grandma (My Dad's mom) is in Winnipeg! I haven't seen her in almost 3 years and I can't wait to be able to talk to her and fill her in on my life. But I am also so worried. I have to admit that my spanish is not where it should be. I know this is not an excuse, but i rarely speak it anymore. Peter and I want Rocco to speak spanish, but we are both at fault for not pushing it more with each other...and probably more my fault too b.c i'm the one that actually knows that language. I can speak, read, write it, but i'm so scared that i'll make a mistake that i would just rather speak in English. I need to just swallow my pride and just go for it...and I think that I will learn from that. I want to be able to tell my grandma things and actually express to her everything that I want to and just to be able to have a conversation with her and not just say "si" or "bien". I just really need to go for it and start practicing while i'm here with Peter....AHHH!