I think I have realized how God feels about us as humans. I know he loves us and I know He wants the best for us, and I also know that He will always be there to pick us up every time we fall even when it's frustrating to him how He has told us and shown us how to live in order for us to have a joyful and fulfilling life, and yet we disobey him because we think we know better. It's kind of like parenting. Last night, Rocco woke up at 2am. Not good. I found him standing in his crib, completely exhausted so I laid him back down, put the soother is his mouth and walked away. A few minutes later, i hear him again and in my head i am secretly hoping he falls back asleep so i can too, but then he starts to cry and i know exactly why....he's standing and can't figure out how te to sit back down. So once i again i lkay him back down. This process happened until 3:30 this morning. The last time I went in there i felt beyond frustrated and then, while lying in my bed once again, had a thought. This must be the way God feels about us sometimes. He knows whats best for us, just like i know it's good for Rocco to be sleeping at 2 in the morning, but yet Rocco and myself many times, thinks it's better to just stand on our own. How frustrating! But how amazing is the love we have for our children and the love Christ has for us, that even though it's frustrating, He will be there, and continue to be there till we all learn.
Now, if I can only find a way to prevent Rocco from standing in his crib at 2am...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Humble Pie
Well, i ate a huge piece of humble pie recently. I know that i can get out of control when i'm angry, but that is not an excuse when it comes to hurting someones feelings. I know i could have just said "screw you" but i know that i've matured enough through the years to know when i have made a mistake and be able to take full blame. I need to learn how to be more gracious in times of anger and hurt. I guess we all have those times where we royally screw up, but i think it's good to recognize these moments and grow from them and move on. I always seem to have a "moment" every year where i learn a huge lesson in life and where i have to take a step back and reflect on what kind of a person i want to be. I want to be someone that radiates God's love in all times. I know that's a pretty huge goal, but i think it's also kind of simple. Love first. Now walk the talk Ana.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Rocco had a great sleep last night but this morning for his first nap...that was a different story. As I was laying in bed listening to him whine...not cry, but actually whining i was thinking about all the funny things that have hindered his sleep since day 1. I've decided to list them so that i can remind myself how funny it is, and really we'll have good days and not so good days when it comes to sleep, and i guess my son is just not a consistent sleeper and i need to get used to it!
- Newborn stage. This is quiet normal of course...the whole eating every 2 hours, and confusing night for day.
- Swaddling. He needed this to stay asleep but once he got his hands out, game over. which brings me to;
- Hands. Those stinky little hands that would rub his eyes till he woke up or scratch his face.
- Rolling. Next he would roll over on his tummy and cry and cry because he didn't know how to roll back....
- No bumper pads. I took his bumper pads out of his crib because he would chew on them and pull on them. Now his feet go through them and then he cries because he somehow can't pull them back in again.
-Sitting up. Rocco has learned how to sit up now, so of course he'll do this in his crib. He does and will literally sit and sleep and then fall over and hit himself on the head and then cry.
****sigh**** i'm sure the list will grow as he gets older, but again, I still absolutely LOVE being a mom and especially Rocco's mom.
- Newborn stage. This is quiet normal of course...the whole eating every 2 hours, and confusing night for day.
- Swaddling. He needed this to stay asleep but once he got his hands out, game over. which brings me to;
- Hands. Those stinky little hands that would rub his eyes till he woke up or scratch his face.
- Rolling. Next he would roll over on his tummy and cry and cry because he didn't know how to roll back....
- No bumper pads. I took his bumper pads out of his crib because he would chew on them and pull on them. Now his feet go through them and then he cries because he somehow can't pull them back in again.
-Sitting up. Rocco has learned how to sit up now, so of course he'll do this in his crib. He does and will literally sit and sleep and then fall over and hit himself on the head and then cry.
****sigh**** i'm sure the list will grow as he gets older, but again, I still absolutely LOVE being a mom and especially Rocco's mom.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The joys of parenting
Well, i had quite the adventure with Rocco and it's not even noon yet. I went to go and get him changed when i realized that he had no wipes. His wipes are all the way in the washroom, which is across the hall, but i had Rocco already naked. So i plopped him in his crib and ran to the washroom to grab the wipes, quickly ripped the packaging off and ran back to his room. As soon as I got there I look at Rocco and all I can see is the little fountain of pee and a huge smile across my son's face. I laughed but then stopped when i realized i had to do laundry AGAIN! I just washed his blankets and sheets the day before. Oh well.
I still absolutely love my life. I love the craziness of it all and i love how Rocco is such a joy to have and I am so proud to be his mom. Gotta go, he's going for the tv cords again! :)
I still absolutely love my life. I love the craziness of it all and i love how Rocco is such a joy to have and I am so proud to be his mom. Gotta go, he's going for the tv cords again! :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
My new addiction

So i've discovered Etsy. I've heard of it before but i've never looked into it b.c i have never really been into online shopping. But now since it takes lots of planning to get out of the house with Rocco, online shopping seems like a good idea. Well, not a good idea for my wallet, but so far i've only made 2 purchases, but have spent quite a bit of time browsing. I just love how Etsy is filled with handmade things.

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Family Matters
So our family has been dealing with some pretty heavy stuff lately. I guess I always thought that these "things" would never happen in our family and just to other people. What a horrible and naive thing to think. Now that we are dealing with this, it makes me question so many things that I believe in, and why i believe those things. I know exactly who, and where i put my trust in, and my heart breaks for those that don't. My faith is in Jesus Christ, and because I have a firm foundation in Him, all the decisions in my life involve him. But when life shakes that foundation, it's hard to stand firm. But I know what is true, and what is true, is that sometimes God allows things to happen in life that we don't understand. But i need to hope that his will is bigger than my own and that God, in all this craziness, will be glorified. Somehow.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Card Making
So i've been really into making card these last few weeks. Peter once told me a long time ago to find a hobby, well i have and I love it! The only down side, is that 1 card can take me up to an hour to make...sometimes even longer. I guess i'm just that picky with it. I was making a card just now, and it was looking awesome, till i accidentally messed up one little thing, tried to fix it and then ripped it up. Almost 1 hour of my time gone and a once great card completely ruined. So now i'm totally annoyed and have stopped card making for the night. Tomorrow i will try again.
I will try and remember to post some pictures soon...:)
I will try and remember to post some pictures soon...:)
Monday, March 1, 2010
Sleep...Where art thou?
So i have trying to get Rocco on a consistent sleep schedule, but it has been tough. Before he would go to bed pretty late and get up late...like 10 or even 11am! It was awesome for someone like me who LOVES to sleep, but for real life it does not work at all. So with the advice of many lovely mothers, i've been putting Rocco to bed between 7-7:30. At first he cried so much, and it broke my heart, but eventually he would fall asleep. Then he would wake up around 4 am and then cry again for another hour, fall asleep, then wake up at 7am. Not fun for Peter, myself and i'm sure for Rocco. His naps during the day were all messed up and it just sucked big time. Slowly but surely though, it has been going really well! Sometimes his naps will be too short and he'll just be completely grumpy and whiney and it makes me crazy!!! But he will go to bed on time, and sleep through the night, so that makes it a little better! He is getting this nasty habbit of rolling over to his tummy and not being able to roll back. What a kid!! He's lucky he's so cute! I think i got this sleep schedule almost figured out. The joys of parenting! I wouldn't trade it for the world!
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