Saturday, July 30, 2011

Jesus Loves Me

Peter usually puts Rocco to bed. Since he works all day and barely gets to spend time with him, bed time routine is all about father and son. I usually keep myself busy at that time getting things done that I wasn't able to earlier in the day. But one night i noticed that Peter was singing " Jesus loves me" to Rocco before he left the room. So tonight, i had finished everything i had to do and just watched Peter get Rocco ready for bed. Before we left the room Rocco asked for "cantar" which means "sing" in Spanish. Peter then began to sing "Jesus loves me" Rocco had the biggest smile on his face and softly began to sing along with Peter. I thought it was the most beautiful thing i've ever seen and heard. It was just so pure, and innocent and I just cried. Maybe i'm a little more emotional now that i'm a mama, but my hope is that my boys know that Jesus DOES love them and that they will experience what He has to offer them. What a beautiful reminder on how much Jesus loves ME enough to give me my beautiful children. I'm so blessed.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Joys of running

It is true. I LOVE running. I run for about 45 minutes everyday. I go right after we put Rocco to bed and then i'm off. I think i love it now, b.c it is my zone out time. I don't even bring an ipod with me b.c i love just hearing the sound of the breeze in the trees and cars driving by. It is 45 minutes of pure nothing and not thinking about anything related to kids. Well, sometimes that's not entirely true...yesterday on my run i found myself singing the "Thomas the Train" song in my head. I had a good chuckle to myself. It also feels good to do some physical activity and know that my journey on losing more weight is still going strong! So far i'm down 12 pounds...i still have more to go, but at least we are heading in the right direction! :)