Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Over Half way done!

Currently I am 23 weeks pregnant. So far the pregnancy has been going really well, but the worst part about it, is at night when I have to get up to go to the washroom. I think last night, i got up about 6 times. It was awful. Sometimes i can fall back asleep no problem, but i do have those moments where it takes me a VERY long time to get sleepy. It is almost as if I have tons of energy and I can get up and start my day...too bad it's usually around 3am. I know that this is supposed to "get me ready" for when my newborn baby arrives, but right now I would rather have my baby boy keep me awake, than my bladder. I have a few more months to go and I am not looking forward to this going on...boo.
Thus the life of a pregnant woman.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

It's been a while...

Well, it's been a long time since i've written anything. Nothing too exciting has been happening in my life right now so i thought i would write about all the cute things Rocco has been doing lately.

1- He ASKS us to play music so he can dance. He loves hip hop and basically anything with a beat.

2- He can say mama, dada, bye bye, Elmo, down, up, uh oh, bath, all done, agua (water ), and shakes his head for yes and no. He still uses his sign language for "all done, more, please, and thank you"

3- He looks at my belly and can say "baby"
4- He loves to sit and watch Elmo You Tube video's
5- He absolutely LOVES cars and trucks. He likes to say "vroom, vroom" every time he sees one.

I just love him so much. I can't wait for my next little bundle of joy to arrive!